Hey! My name is Tom Bancroft and I am starting this blog to see what these things are all about. Also, as a way to let people know what I'm up to and about some of the projects I or my company have coming out. I'll start with a new book series that myself, my biz partner, Rob Corley, and my wife, Jennifer, created. It's called "Andi's Journal" and it's for the Christian market- specifically, it's a chapter book series for pre-teen girls. It was created because Rob and myself have preteen girls. We like challenges over here at Funnypages Productions, and this one was to see if us "old folks" could create something that 'tween girls (of all things) would like. So far so good. You can find the books (book 1 and 2) at any Christian book store or at Amazon.com (Book 1- http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/140030671X/qid=1132176306/sr=2-2/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_2/104-7091251-4307168?v=glance&s=books and Book 2- http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1400306728/qid=1132176306/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/104-7091251-4307168?v=glance&s=books) The cover art we produced for book one is above. Thanks and more soon!
Hey Tom!
Great to see ya on the blog scene man! Dig up some doodles and get ta postin' right quick - ya look like a newbie ;)
Can't wait for more!
Wow, Tom's got a blog! Woo hoo! Welcome to the blogosphere, it's a pretty addicting place. Can't wait to see more of yer drawrings.
Hey Tom! Nice to see the guys from FunnyPages up on the blog scene. Can't wait to see more great stuff up here. Consider yourself linked... Hope to see more stuff soon.- Jere"MIAH"
Welcome to the blog-o-sphere, Tom!
Looking forward to seeing what inspirational goodness you have in store.
You shuld have sold me your snowblower as i'm back in Chicago now.(Who woulda thought? Thanks Mr. Staiton.,...i'm freezing.) Looking forward to seeing your posts. I enjoyed your articles in Draw magazine, and have an order in for your new book. Glad to hear Funnypages is prospering. I hope you don't mind that i linked you and Rob to my blog.
Take care-Kevin (Krista says hello as well.)
Hi Tom,
My name is Sue and I am the mother of two pre teen girls in Melbourne Australia. We would just like to tell you, your wife Jennifer and your partner Rob, how much we really enjo your books. We have read them and read them and cannot wait till number three comes out. I find them really easy for the girls to understand and to read and they love the challenges Andi faces in life as they are not too extreme but very real in this day and age. We thank you for blessing us with your talents....With great admiration...the Taggert Family
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