These are two drawings hot off my desk. They are for the kids bible we are doing right now and I gotta say that it's been pretty enjoyable. I really can't wait to see it all done. Not because every image is my favorite piece of art, but that the WHOLE should be pretty unique. The writing is good, the art interesting, and the graphic design is fresh. Something I would definitely buy for my kids. The other fun thing has been the opportunity to rediscover the bible from a whole new perspective. As soon as you read through a passage (even a simplified version like this) and start thinking about how to illustrate it, it's hard not to "live" it a little bit. It's also hard not to take something away and go "Wow, that really happened!" These drawing represent a little bit of that for me. The first is the part of the bible where Jesus comes into the temple only to see that people have turned it into a money market. He goes crazy mad and wrecks the place and throws them all out. That's what really happened, but if you've seen other biblical illos of the event, it's a pretty placid scene with Jesus standing erect and pointing for the people to leave. I tried to capture (in a kid safe way) a little of the energy of the moment. The next illo is Jesus soon after, healing and loving the kids around him. Basically summing up what he was all about and what the temple was really for.
Great work Tom! I espeicially love the face on the sick old man. You did a great job of capturing a sense of reality and emotion with Jesus, yet in a very kid friendly way. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Nice flow to the layouts. Fun character design.
really great Tom, diggin the work that you are doing. Keep up the posts, they are really inspiring!
Great work Tom!.Very nicely designed illustrations.. Both eye flow and character design wise.. Can't wait for more.. and yeah.. I'd probably buy this book for my little girl.. She'd probably eat it right now though.. she's only 9 months old =).
Man! These are really nice Tom! It's always refreshing to see someone doing some nice stylized stuff with Jesus,and pushing his expressions more. I don't know about you guys, but I've had a tough time with regards to this, so it's great to see that someone was able to break the mold. Nice flow and appealing characters. I'm definitlely picking up the book for my boys. Keep up the great stuff- Miah
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