Wednesday, July 12, 2006
This is another unusual oldy. Through the San Diego comic con, I became friends with Alex Sinclair, the extremely talented colorist at DC that works with Jim Lee on most of his work there. He is a great family man and we got along great. He's also a big Disney and animation fan. Because of that, he really had/has a dream of doing "all-ages" comics that have a more animated style. He said he'd love to work with me on a comics project someday. That day came when he was promoted to editor at Wildstorm/DC. One of the books he was put in charge of was Thundercats. I was never a Thundercats fan actually, but it sounded like fun. He had a short back up story he wanted me to do and asked if I'd do some samples of "my version" of some Thundercats characters. That's what the sheet above is. Some yucky stuff going on here and there, but I thought some of you all might like it. In the end, the story that came my way was a back up about an obscure villain and what her origin is. I really had some problems with the story content and they were nice enough to tone it down some. Even still, it really wasn't my cup of tea. The fun characters above weren't even in the story, dang.