I've been asked to contribute to a comic anthology called "Parable". It's going to be a Christian world view comic so it may not be for everyone, but it's one that I'm looking forward to seeing completed. They are trying to go for a "FLIGHT" feel and the linup of creators is quite interesting. Very indy feeling (except me), but in a good way! (You know what I mean by that, you know you do...they can draw!) Check out the bios of some of the folks involved and go to their websites: http://www.parablecomic.com/creator-bios/.
I'm trying to squeeze in time to do a 8 page story for it. I'm excited about it because my pally Rob Corley wrote the story and I'm illustrating it. We've never done that before since we are both artists and when I've done comics in the past, they were stories I wrote. It's a story that has a lot of fun to it and has a good message too. I'm hoping to post some of the development of the pages as I do them, but not enough to give away the story too much. (I want you all to buy this thing when it comes out!) More soon.